Monday, 15 November 2010

Journal 15/11/2010

Some of you have done some lovely picture journals, which have inspired me to have a go. Here is my first attempt, though not my intended first entry, that may come later - just to confuse things! :)

I hope I've done this right!


  1. I love golden delicious apples. My favourite, next to pink lady variety. Your journal looks lovely and neat. I don't think there are rules about the way a personal journal should look - but I think the little sketches and photos make it more interesting to look back upon at a future time. :)

  2. Like you, I love looking at peoples sketch journals and have always fancied keeping one myself too. I was also going to join the sketchbook project, but just don't have the time for everything! Maybe you should join though :0) Maybe I will by a blank sketch journal for 2011 though and join you with this instead. I enjoyed reading your first page so much! If you kept one going, your children and grandchildren will have such a lovely thing to look through one day :0)

  3. Alice, pink ladies are one of my favourites too, such a distinctive flavour. I think your idea of neat and mine are not quite the same, but good enough I guess!

    Sandra, don't think I have actually looked at the sketchbook project, though maybe some of the journal pages I have read are on it. It's also unlikely that there will be many entries in mine, as I think I need something more interesting to say than picking apples LOL!

  4. I love this idea Frank. And your sketches are so bright and lively, I like them a lot. I hope you do more of them. :)

  5. Well, I think you're off to a great start! I hope you do better than I do with it! I usually do great for about a week, then set it down and forget about it, or just gradually drop off the writing only to add some here and there! Loved reading about the apples. We have a garden, some orange trees, but I'm afraid our climate wouldn't be very accommodating to apples!

  6. Thanks Crystal and Raena, these will just come occasionally when I get the inclination! I don't know how some people find the time to do this or have something to write about every day.
