Friday, 5 August 2011

Journal 6/8/2011 - Kibworth Windmill, Live!

Kibworth Windmill
Armed with my trusty paintbox and a few of my Art Club colleagues, we set off for an 'en plein air' painting session to the Kibworth Post Mill. The journal tells the story, so I'll just say that it has been around 15 years since I did a painting outdoors on location! We were on private land and well away from public view, so onlookers were confined to club members and not at all unnerving really. Once I got stuck in to the job in hand, everything and everyone else faded from my mind while I sketched away!


  1. It looks like you may have come upon some Silky Chickens. They are beautiful Love love love these journal paintings.

  2. It sounds like the perfect sketching day! Your sketches are a whole lot more sucessful than my most recent (which I haven't yet posted) :0)

  3. I love the looseness and spontanaeity of these sketches Frank. Just beautifully well done. :)

  4. Annie yes, Janet told me these were silky chickens, though the one illustrated was very young and not as fluffy as the hen.

    Sandra it was, you hope and pray that the weather will be OK when you are the organiser!

    Thanks Crystal, though I just wish I could paint a little faster when I am working outdoors.

  5. As you know, I have yet to try painting en plein aire but if I could do half as well as this, I'd be ecstatic. A lovely loose and casual painting.

  6. that windmill! You really do excellent journal style pages!

  7. Thanks Reana, but I've seen yours, and they are much more interesting than mine!
